Thursday, March 22, 2012

Spring Break --Zoo

We were holding off on our visit to zoo to hopefully not get drenched! The only day that looked any good at the beginning of the week was Tuesday, but as Tuesday got closer and closer the rain chances increased. Finally it looked like if we could get there early, we might not get rained on. we went! It is really neat to take the girls to a place I loved as a little girl and see them get so excited.  

One of the first places we visited was the Children's Farms. This has a lot of different animals that you can interact with. Some of the animals are a little too enthusiastic. Emily and Sarah (even mommy) were not going to feed those goats. We finally found some that we couild feed that were behind a fence. I know...but we are all city girls :)

Emily finally decieded that maybe they were not too bad first. In fact she named this one, "Hairy." He ended up being  favorite of both of the girls. Sarah, with a little help from Daddy, was able to feed the goats.                        

Next on our list was the penguins. One of the perks of going to the zoo when it is supposed to rain is you pretty much have the park to yourself. So when we were visiting the penguins we got to spend a lot of time "chasing" the penguin from one end of the tank to the next!

Sarah and Emily were following this penguin. I don't believe that this one had a name, though ;)

We were on a race against the weather at this time, so we decieded to forgo some of the inside exhibits just in case it started to rain. We were on our way to see some of the bigger animals...Sarah had been talking about the giraffes for most of our trip. We were actually going to opposite direction, but she spots them and off she goes! So I guess giraffes it is! We were super we walked up some zoo workers were starting their giraffe feeding time. The girls actually got to feed them! Sarah was not nervous at all about feeding the giraffes.

Our giraffe ready for some food!

Well we were back on track after that and on our way to see the giant apes! They had 2 huge apes in the outside exhibit, but when it started to rain they both went under the awning for some coverage. The one with Emily was very interested in his food, but the one with Sarah just kept looking at her.

Well of course I could not get a picture with both girls looking at fact most of my pictures of Sarah were of the back of her head :)

While we were in the ape house, it started to rain. So the girls spent most of the rest of the time in the zoo stroller, but we did manage to catch this hippo under the water. Again we were there all by ourselves. It was amazing how close we got to the hippo. We could even see his eyelashes.  It doesn't get any closer than that!

Well we were almost done with our tour...we were not going to go through "Australia", but I am so glad that we did. We saw some pretty neat things. It had started to rain at this point, so I didn't take my camera out for very much. At the very end of the tour we saw these mini kangeroos. Yes, I know that it not their name, but I can't remember it! Well we saw one with her baby in her pouch. It was really very exciting.

We had one more place to visit...the chimps! Of course, immediatly when we get in I hear that voice..."mommy I have to go potty" Aghhh! The joys of motherhood. Well when we get back, we see this adorable baby chimp. The girls are watching and running with this chimp. If you'll look closely at the picture below, you'll see him looking at the girls.

It was seriously one of the neatest things we saw. This little guy was running around...playing with his dad....just like some other monkeys I know. I know the girls had a blast. It was really exciting to see the girls to be so excited.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring Break 2012 -- Exploration Place

We went to Wichita, Kansas to visit my dad for spring break. Of course it rained buckets pretty much the entire time we were there! We did manage to find some inside activities to keep the girls from going too stir crazy...We went to Exploration Place. It is a huge building that several different "kid friendly" exhibits. The las time we went there the girls were little (1 and 3), so I was excited to see what they would do now that they are litle older.

The girls are having fun right when we walk in!

 The girls are striking a pose outside the castle at Exploration Place. They loved getting to play "princess" for the day. They had lots of different doors and even a castle kitchen! I think that was one of Sarah's favorite parts.
 Emily on the steps to the castle. It has a winding staircase that you can use to get to very top of the castle. It has several different stations such as a star gazing area, complete with black lights, a dress up area, a stained glass window station, even a library. It was all pretty neat for a little girl who's life ambition is to be a queen!

Don't I wish that it was really that easy!

Daddy and Sarah on the throne!

Emily striking a pose again :)


Sarah getting ready to use the catapult!

Emily is a pro at this!

After visiting the castle we moved on to the next exhibit.  (Although it was hard to take the princess' from their castle) It was all about using geocaching and using a GPS. Emily was very excited to use her new reading skills to read us most of the clues. Below she is looking for clues to help us unlock the door.

After that we went to the next exhibit which was all about Kansas. The girls went into a "tornado" that acted like a F1 tornado. Sarah was having none of it! She started crying, but Emily wanted to stay in. As you can see Emily is having a blast and Sarah is already starting to cry. I don't think we are ever going to get that girl to go on any roller coasters ever!

Emily and Sarah having fun building a river.

One of the visiting exhibits was a vet center. Sarah and Emily were too busy
taking care of each other to worry about the animals.

The final exhibit was all about flying! The girls got to sit in several different airplanes and "fly." There some flight simulators and helicopters to try out. 

We had a blast! It was so exciting to see them get so excited everything...

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Time Changes are ROUGH!!!

Well we had a time change last weekend. No one really likes time changes, but there is someone in our house who does not handle the change very well. Sarah was crashed out on the way home Monday...I think it is probably a good idea that she is not going to Kinder next year. I don't think she could make it through the day :) But I wonder at what age I will look at them when they are sleeping and not feel a huge amount of tenderness in my heart. On a side night...I think she will end up taking that blanket with her to college.  But considering she is determined that when she "gets married and has 10 babies, her daddy is going to build her a house right next to ours" I don't know if she is going to make to a college that is too far away...

Monday, March 5, 2012

End of the Day...

I am a firm believer in "love languages." I have read The 5 Love Languages and learned so much! Then I had the girls and discovered their languages. It is very interesting to look at them from this angle. Emily is very much "Words of Affirmation" for those of you who do not know this language it is all about saying good things about them.  For example "Emily you did such a good job making your bed." This fills up her "love bank."  As a teacher, this language comes out of my mouth so very easily. Well Sarah's love language is "Physical Touch," So she feels most loved when she is cuddled with or played with in this way.  This shows so much of why she is such a cuddler.  She loves to cuddle and will do it any chance she gets, but it also means she will rough house with Daddy as much as she can. Emily will stop after a short time and Sarah just keeps at it! Well as any working mom knows, the time from when we get home until dinner is over and cleaned is the HARDEST part of my day. This is usually the time the Sarah is the hardest to deal with. I know all she wants is to cuddle on the couch, and truly it is all I want to do to! But dinner just won't cook itself. That is why is so wonderful when Daddy is home when we get home...

If you had seen her face 5 minutes earlier... cuddle time with Daddy makes it all better!