Thursday, July 19, 2012

Is this our world?

We took the girls on a short vacation to Branson. Sarah kept asking us if this was our world? Everywhere we went she would ask us. It felt like a different worries, just time together. It was great! To spend time with these great little girls who are quickly becoming wonderful young ladies. I can't wait to see what God has in store for their little lives, but....We took them to White Water for the first time I was glad that we had a couple of weeks of swim lessons under our belts so that they could feel very comfortable in and around the water.

Emily went down every single water slide she possibly could. She wanted to go down as fast as she could, as much as she could.  Sarah's favorite ride....the lazy river. She just loved to float around, over and over again!

Then we went to Silver Dollar City! Of course, Emily wants to ride every single roller coaster she can. The very last day Sarah finally decieded to try some of the other roller coaster. It is so much fun as they get older to see them trying new stuff and grow up right before our eyes.

Emily and Daddy getting ready to ride powderkeg! Right in the front...

While Sarah waited on Emily to ride all the "fast" rollercoaster, she decieded to plot our next route. 

Emily loves the fast rides :)

All the Davis girls getting ready to ride the pirate ship...

At the very end Sarah decieded to ride the little roller coaster. She was a little bit too short just to ride with her sister, but the guy let her do it anyways...

Such big girls!