Wednesday, February 27, 2013


One day before Valentine's Day I was finishing up my last parent teacher conference, when someone from the office came down and said Emily hurt her arm. Knowing Emily, I sent my intern down to check to see if it was just a minor hurt that just needed a hug. So I finished up my conference and she came back and said you need to go down there. My heart started racing and I got to her and realized something was very wrong. I grabbed my stuff and tried to get her to walk to the car, but she wouldn't walk. I rushed to Kim's office and had her get Sarah and meet us at the hospital. Finally we got her in the car. I drove to the hospital as quickly and as smoothly as I could, ever bump hurt her arm. When we finally got there and got her coat off, it was certain that she had done some damage to her arm. As we were sitting there waiting for the doctor to come and talk to us, she was such a brave little trooper! I know she was in a huge amount of pain, but she just kept taking deep breathes. When she finally talked to the doctor and he mentioned the word felt like the air went out of the room. Grandma ended up taking Sarah to McDonalds to get some food and we finally got out of there. We went to home. On the way home I was busy calling a variety of people to let them know what was going on and what the next few days would look like.

The next day we were able to meet with a doctor and schedule surgery for the following day. It was such a stressful time. Also the pain meds were making Emily very sick to her stomach. She kept getting sick and I just wanted to take it all away from her. I just trusted God that He was in control and able to do miraculous things.

Finally...the big day. Emily was so calm...the only thing se was worried about was the needle and when the doctor came in and told her they would do that after she feel asleep, she felt so much better. As they wheeled away...I felt like my heart was being torn into 2 pieces. But I knew God was in control and in truth He would be with her even when I couldn't. After the surgery was over we were both able to go back with her. She had a bit of a hard time coming out of anesthesia, but once the nurse came and gave her some pain meds and she came out of that, she was in pain but more like Emily. We got her home and the first few days were rough, but once we got her back in school and her cast on, it was like we all could breath a little easier.